Running That Doesn't Suck: How To Love Running (Even If You Think You Hate It)
Published by Running Press, a division of Hachette, and released July 9, 2019. Available online, and in bookstores.
Running That Doesn't Suck is the running book for people who hate running.
Running That Doesn't Suck is the running book for people who hate running.
FREE CONTENT: Due to the current health crisis, I wanted to make this chapter from "Running That Doesn't Suck" about how to get started running free and available to all. This chapter was written to help anyone learn to love running, even if you've never, ever run before. With gyms being closed nationwide and shelter-in-place orders instated throughout the world, running and run-walking outside can be a beacon of daily hope and bring us joy. Be sure you know the current rules in your area regarding where it's appropriate to exercise outdoors, and please, stay six feet away from anyone else out there running, walking, standing, or sitting. And if you're sick, stay home!
The chapter is scroll-able below, and there's a downloadable PDF available below. Thanks to my publisher, Running Press, for making this chapter available.
The chapter is scroll-able below, and there's a downloadable PDF available below. Thanks to my publisher, Running Press, for making this chapter available.

start_where_you_are.pdf |
Trailhead: The Dirt on All Things Trail Running
Released April 1, 2015 by VeloPress and currently sold in bookstores, specialty run and triathlon shops, and on,,,, and other booksellers.
Trailhead is a witty, comprehensive, illustrated guide to all things trail running.
Trailhead is a witty, comprehensive, illustrated guide to all things trail running.
Trailhead: The Dirt on All Things Trail Running
Purchase a signed copy of Trailhead here. Price includes shipping within the U.S.
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[International shipping, add $8 for $30.95 total]